RWL: How you doing man?Kenn Starr: Doing good man, just grindin' as usual.RWL: How'd your release through Halftooth come about?Kenn Starr: I have to credit my man Oddisee for that. He basically put me on with
Halftooth, where I had the opportunity to submit some material for what would end up being the "You Don't Know The Half" compilation. Everything kinda took off from there.RWL: Describe "Starr Status" in one word.
Kenn Starr: Solid
RWL: The beats on your album were bananas! What's your favorite song? And how do you choose production?
Kenn Starr: My favorite song varied throughout the recording process and initial release, but now looking back on it, I would have to say "Inside". I feel like that track was the complete package, as far as lyrical content, production, and mass appeal (not to mention it being the song I get the most consistent praise for), all without really losing who I am as an artist. As far as picking production, my process is very simple. I just pick beats that, when I first hear them, my reaction is "I GOTTA have this!". I try to pick what I feel to be the best of the best.
RWL: How'd you hook up with the LBC?
Kenn Starr: I was initially introduced to the crew through producer/emcee Sean Born, who I was working with at the time (around '00-'01). I was pleasantly surprised to find like-minded and talented artists in the D.C.-metro area, and everything just clicked.
RWL: If we took a ride around the city with you...what music would be in your CD player?
Kenn Starr: I think cats would be surprised to hear the variety of rap/hip-hop
and R&B I listen to, from underground type stuff to mainstream. Right now, I've been rocking to Rick Ross's "Trilla", Rashid Hadee, Focus from Aftermath, Rocko (I'm a big fan of Drumma Boy's production), EMC's new album, just to name a few...a lil' bit of everything man.
RWL: How is it working with Talib Kweli & Asheru?
Kenn Starr: It was a cool experience. Asheru's extremely dope and underrated. We actually did our parts here in Maryland, and later Oddisee and I went to NY to link with Kweli for his part. It was an exciting moment for me, being fresh in the game and having the opportunity to work with one of my biggest influences.
RWL: What Next?
Kenn Starr: Right now I'm working on a new EP that's scheduled to drop in the
fall, featuring production from Black Milk, as well as a new mixtape for
the summer.
RWL: Will you be getting GTA 4?
Kenn Starr: Probably not. I kinda fell back on the video games man. Its a very
time consuming and expensive habit, haha. From what I've seen though, its gonna be dope.
RWL: Who do you want to work with in the industry?
Kenn Starr: Aww man, the list goes on and on. Off the top of the head: Nottz, Mos
Def, DJ Premier, Jean Grae, Wale, Masta Ace, Pete Rock...
RWL: Top 5 emcee's of all time? (no order)
Kenn Starr: Wow. That's a tough one. I'll say my personal favorites (not saying they're the G.O.A.T.) are, Eminem, Canibus (circa '97-98), Busta Rhymes (criminally slept on), Jay-Z and Mos Def.
RWL: Give me one word that comes to mind when I name these artist.
Kev Brown: Genius.
Jay-Z: Legend.
Little Brother: Hip-Hop
Plies: Unapologetic
Hezekiah: Creative
Big L: Lyricism
Wale: Future
Lil Keke/Z-Ro/ Trae: Grind
Barack Obama: Change
Beyonce: Dayum!
Kenn Starr: HonestRWL: Explain how you feel about the new DMV movement going on? (D.C., Maryland & VA)
Kenn Starr: It's a beautiful thing. One thing we need more of around here is that sense of unity, and its good to see cats coming together to try to make something big happen. Hopefully it'll continue to pick up momentum and really start making some noise and gettin' the attention from these labels that we deserve.RWL: Any new aspiring cats you feeling? And Whats advice do you give to cats true to the artform?
Kenn Starr: Well seeing as how I still consider myself to be aspiring, I would
have to look amongst my peers. Having said that, I would say Emilio Rojas, the Strange Fruit Project, Kaze, Hassaan Mackey, Rashid Hadee, Tanya Morgan, Supastion, Skyzoo...alotta dope cats out here doing their thing. As far as advice, stay true to yourself. Plain and simple. The
rest will fall into place.RWL: Any Shoutouts?
Kenn Starr: Shout out to the whole Low Budget crew, the whole DMV, all the fans
and supporters, and rapperswelike for having me.Interview by Clinton Cocks